Support our efforts to save more cats. Here are a few easy ways to donate:
Ways to Support Our Work Did you know that you can help SOS 4 Paws raise money without spending a dime? There are several websites where you can sign up and earn money just by doing every day internet searches or shopping at your favorite websites. Shop at stores like, to earn money for SOS 4 Paws! Use Goodsearch to search, shop, and dine. Earning money for SOS 4 Paws takes no effort at all, so please check it out!
Network for Good disburses your donation and Capital One covers the transaction fees. Together it ensures that 100% of your donation reaches your charity. Click here to help.
When you shop with Goodshop, a percentage of your purchases is donated to SOS 4 Paws. It’s easy and secure! Click Here to get started!

Mail us a check :
P.O. Box 373
Nutting Lake, MA 01865